Mastering Resilience in Business Leadership FREE MASTERCLASS

Meet Our Experts
Meet Our Experts
Laura Davis

Laura Davis – Start With The End In Mind

About Laura

I am a business mentor, a Chairperson, a business owner, a wife, a daughter, a step grandma, a golfer, a gym bunny, and a socialite. Some days each one of these is more important than another. But the key for me is to get the balance right between business, family and social life.

Oh and I’m related to Rod Stewart the singer and I have been on TV three times – once rescuing a large tortoise!! and once with Mr Motivator- showing my age now, and once to discuss leadership with a panel of experts.

Laura’s business experience

I am an experienced Business Mentor now running Blackdot Business, and also Chair of Reality HR.

My philosophy to business is “start with the end in mind”.

I am a persuasive professional business founder of Reality HR, and owner of 16 years standing. My key strengths are long range vision, business development, sales & marketing and mentoring of business leaders.

I am known for leading from the front by personal example and as an inspiration to a team with a strong vision. I also get “hands on” when required.

Running a successful SME, dealing with SME clients on a daily basis, and growing the team to 20 has led me to having a great knowledge of the SME world.

With a background in retail store and area management, logistics, and HR has led me to a strong belief that customer service is key to any successful business.

You get no clever business mumbo jumbo from me, just plain speaking.

Five questions, five answers…

What has been your most pivotal moment in business?

The day I started working with my first business mentor. It was a bit scary to start with as she asked me loads of questions that I hadn’t even thought about. I felt a right idiot and very naïve. However, she was brilliant at guiding me through the difficult times and to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Its very lonely at the top and she was an amazing sounding board when I was planning on taking some strategic direction changes. I knew I had to take the team with me and she gave me the confidence to do just that.

Thank you Jayne I will be forever grateful for your wise words.

If you could send a text to yourself the day you started out in business what would it say?

“Remember why you are doing this Laura.” During the difficult times its important to remember what your motivation was to start your business and to never lose sight of that. Yes there will be bumps along the way but if you take stock of what you’ve got, change things that aren’t working and build on the things that are then you will get to your goal.

Who has been your biggest inspiration and why?

Most people say their parents however that’s not the case for me. They thought I was mad to set up my own business and leave a really well paid job in the corporate world. However, once they saw I was determined they became a big supporter.

So, it has to be a leading competitor of Reality HR. I loved the way she set up her business and the way she treated her team. I aspired to run a business like hers, and fortunately for me I managed it. I watched what she did, what she said and loved her values. I found my own way and style to replicate that business.

What book should all business owners read?

Gosh there are just so many. It depends if you are looking for business advice, inspiration or leadership and resilience.

However, the one that has the best effect on business leaders is Start With Why by Simon Sinek. Because in business it doesn’t matter what you do, it matters why you do it. Another great one is The Trusted Advisor by David Maister. It’s a great one for professional businesses that are looking to earn the trust and confidence of its clients.

What is your favourite quote?

Oh that’s an easy one for me “Love the life you live. Live the life you love.”  By Bob Marley. My mantra is very much about life is for living so work out what makes you happy and focus on that. What you focus on will then happen.