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Lisa Benson – Creating Strategic Marketing Plans

About Lisa

‘I love it when a plan comes together’ said Hannibal in The A-Team and I agree! I have 20 years’ experience of creating strategic marketing plans that act as road maps for businesses to achieve their goals. I’ve organised Ministerial events and done a radio interview with Jimmy Osmond – Oh, the giddy heights of fame!

Lisa’s Business Experience

I set up B Engaging after 20 years’ experience in developing and implementing strategic marketing campaigns in the public, private and charity sectors and gaining qualifications from The Chartered Institute of Marketing. Lisa Benson is the owner of B Engaging Marketing Communications. I graduated with a BA (Hons) French language and Literature degree and lived and worked in France for a year. Following university I pursued a career in marketing working first in the construction sector and then moving into children’s book publishing where I worked with international markets. Working for Ricardo (then AEA Technology) I worked on a range of Government communication campaigns. I set up B Engaging to continue my passion for working with a broad range of clients in diverse sectors. I am a passionate about creating strategies that help businesses realise their ambitions and helping them to implement engaging marketing campaigns.

Five questions, five answers…

What has been your most pivotal moment in business?

I don’t believe in pivotal moments! I think building your business is a series of steps, some of them forwards and some of them backwards, but all of them a lesson for how to do it better in the future.

If you could send a text to yourself the day you started out in business what would it say?

Believe in yourself, invest in yourself, work hard and be nice to people – then you won’t go far wrong!

 Who has been your biggest inspiration and why?

I’m fortunate to have had a number of people who’ve all given me inspiration. My Dad taught me to ‘go for it!’ My Mum taught me about compassion and kindness and my husband keeps me smiling & laughing. But, as cheesy, as it all sounds, my kids are my inspiration. I want to show them the value of hard work and inspire them to do things I can only dream about.

What book should all business owners read?

I must admit, I tend to read as a means of escape, so I love a good murder mystery! I think the time you spend away from work is as important for your business as the time you spend working. That said, I am a fan of the wisdom shared in ‘Eat that Frog!’ and Simon Sinek’s ‘Find Your Way’ resonates with the strategic marketing approach I deliver.

What is your favourite quote?

“You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”

Dr. Seuss