Mastering Resilience in Business Leadership FREE MASTERCLASS

Hot Off The Press

Stand Out from the Crowd

Stand Out from the Crowd

Most businesses are in a market place with others who offer the same/similar services and products. Attracting clients and customers to use you rather than a.n.other is the key to a healthy growing business.

By highlighting what makes a business, any business, stand out for you personally and why you’d use them above their competition can give us great insight into what we should be doing in our own businesses.

Grab a sheet of paper and think about some personal experiences you’ve had when you’d definitely be happy to make a recommendation. It might be a hotel you love, your favourite restaurant, the taxi firm you have on speed dial or it might be a service you’ve experienced and been blown away by.

Explore what you’ve jotted down.  You will find that most of the time it’s the experience and how it made you feel that is the notable factor, and rarely the cost.  The better the experience the less important cost becomes.

Now have a look at your product or service and think of a way or ways you might improve the service your clients receive. Even tiny improvements will positively improve the overall experience and therefore increase the chances of you standing out from the competition.

We can always learn from others and to have something that turns our customers into raving fans will ensure we have an edge in a competitive world. Don’t forget to ask them to rave about you publicly on social media and by doing recommendations too.